20 June 2012

我想并没有人会喜欢别人嘲笑自己或是自己身边的人。当遇到嘲笑的那个人是很熟悉的朋友、开得玩笑的,其实就算自己有多不喜欢,还是得勉强假扮无辜、并还要强颜欢笑的对着对方,知道毕竟不要搞得很难堪。无奈~ 唉。。不过还真的很讨厌那种人,不懂得尊重别人或是学会怎样说话。唯有把他们当作是,不会欣赏加上没脑的人,好让自己觉得舒服些。


It's been long time didn't shooting with Babe Wan Yin. The last time was about 2 years ago, can recalled back all the photos of last time, OMG! Haha.. Wai Dar keep on wanna date us to shoot by him in many and many times, finally I can make it now. And this time was better than last time, well done. But still have a problem by me, that's I'm still a person who hard to shoot. Wai told me and said he's throw in the towel to me. I'm pretty but I'm hard to shoot. LOL.. Sorry that's not my fault okay? Haha.. Let's post some photos that was edited by myself. :)

{ Can't imagine this's me! Posing feeling sad. }

{ A little bit horror feel.... }

Stay tuned..
To be continue...
Good NightzZz...


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