Actually everyday i must go your blog to view whether you got post anythings or not. Everything about you i hope to know it, but just you don't know only ! Few days ago i told myself and promised myself is time to give up you already. No any reason can let me continue to wait you or like you ! Because i know you are totally give up me ! You won't like me anymore ! You won't care me anymore ! Just now after view your blog, don't know why i felt wanna cry ! Ya, sure la, because i no totally give up you and forget you yet, sure i will got that kind of feeling. I just need some time to let me recover back. And i will treat you as little brother again, like before, i think like that we will happy more gua. Izit can? I don't know you want or not? But i just hope we can friend back like before, like before we just knew each other.
Finally, i really want to know WHY you no dare to tell me the truth? Just say you no like me anymore la ! Why don't want to give me a answer leh ? Maybe you be 狠心 abit, i will more easy to give up you ! But you didnt. =.=''
Izit you scared will hurt me? or you just lazy to answer me only ?